Send a Message to God

Is there something you want to say to God? Whether you have a prayer, a question, a request, a confession, or just want to say "Hello", SendtoGod™ makes it possible for the entire world to read your message. And if the entire world is reading your messages to God on this web site, He just might take notice.

Jul 27   Jesus please help me amen
Jul 27   lord Jesus only if you knew how much i love this girl she is the girl of my dreams she understands every single little bit of me i put in my all for her i give
Jul 27   God please let me
Jul 27   I need my pewter polished
Jul 27   Lets do it like they do on the discovery channel
Jul 27   Pull down your pants and give me some boody
Jul 27   My goo sprayed on her face
Jul 27   Gigity goo
Jul 27   My weewee is rock hard
Jul 27   I beg you for a thirteen year old girl prostitute
Jul 27   Dodgers fans need to quit crying
Jul 27   Kamala is a dirty hoe
Jul 27   Hello its me Huy Nguyen and I need my help
Jul 27   Dear God please see me right now so you can fix everything
Jul 27   Dear God Please bless me that the continuous whispers in my mind ears stop immediately and perpetually
Jul 27   Dear God Please bless me that my parents and sibling are never separated from me
Jul 27   Kamala is a dirty liar
Jul 27   I drink too much alcohol
Jul 27   Drink and gamble and hump
Jul 27   Help mister o He be wet tooting in his undies
Jul 27   Dear God Please bless me with a satisfying and healthy and happy spouse and a healthy and happy boy child
Jul 27   My private part is hard
Jul 27   Send me a teen girl prostitue
Jul 27   I am very horneee
Jul 27   Dear God Please bless me that my parents and sibling have all rounded happiness and all rounded good health immediately and perpetually
Jul 26   Allahumma inni as alukal afwa wal afiyah fid dunya wal akhirah
Jul 26   Dear God Please bless me that keep visiting my favourite shrine with happy mind perpetually
Jul 26   Dear God Please bless me that my urination at night stops completely when I want to sleep and Please bless me that I sleep every night peacefully perpetually
Jul 26   Dear God Please bless me that my parents are sibling are never separated from me
Jul 26   Dear God Please bless me with all rounded happiness and all rounded good health immediately and perpetually
Jul 26   I ask good to please help me
Jul 26   I wish my cat Sherlock would love me more and come to me As well as my cat clumbo
Jul 26   Dear god please forgive me for my sins Please god
Jul 26   Thank you God for all that you provide to me and my family We are healthy and have You to thank for that
Jul 26   God I want to help people and preach your word in the Bible
Jul 26   Thank you god for signs your here
Jul 26   God Ive been in bad anxiety because of where I living Please will you deliver me
Jul 26   Please God am I supposed to stay on the path with this man or move maybe we wrong and he is not my gift from you plz guid my path
Jul 26   Wassup God You know how much i need you in my life right now You dont owe me anything but i just pray that you just guide and protect me throughout my life
Jul 26   what actually happened today and whats the reason
Jul 26   no you will be cursed to be destroyed completely immediately instesd the more you keep asking the evil blood weeping mary of your dreams
Jul 26   The worst thing u could have done on my birthday is this
Jul 26   God help me what I talk
Jul 26   Lord thank you for hearing the prayers from those in this page I know you are working in their lives to do amazing things Thank you for your son Jesus
Jul 26   Thank you Lord for all that you have blessed me with Your trust in me is incredible Your love for me and my family is amazing Lord thank you
Jul 26   No you will be cursed to be destroyed completely and immediately
Jul 26   God please help me
Jul 26   I am very sacre
Jul 26   God what should I do
Jul 26   Dear God please continue to watch over my family Pray mom stops having fainting spells and hurt herself and pray brothers stay healthy and prosperous
Jul 26   Dear God please have mercy on me I beg for your blessings despite of my sins Please please forgive me
Jul 26   Allahumma inni as alukal afwa wal afiyah fid dunya wal akhirah
Jul 26   Dear Blood Weeping Mary of my dreams please curse him to be destroyed completely and instantly
Jul 26   geumnimkke kkochboda namja junpyo gateun bungwa god gyeolhonhage haejuseyo
Jul 26   Dear God Please bless me that the continuous whispers in my mind ears stop perpetually and Please bless me with calm mind strength excellent perspective
Jul 26   Dear God Please bless me that all my worries are resolved immediately and perpetually
Jul 26   Dear God Please bless me with all rounded happiness and all rounded good health and all rounded satisfaction and all rounded peace of mind
Jul 26   Jesus please help me amen
Jul 26   Thank you for everything Lord and please bless my family Amen
Jul 26   Dear Lord please forgive me for my sins and bless my family today Amen
Jul 26   Dear God Please bless me that my unique wish comes true without any further delay
Jul 26   God I want to find you but it seems not possible I dont know why faith and prayer arent working but know Im trying to find you
Jul 26   God will I ever find love with Brynn
Jul 26   Dear god and archangel Michael please be with us today every moment and protect us today every momentamen
Jul 26   Plz keep me my childrens my mother healthy safe happy thanks
Jul 26   We love and respect You God
Jul 26   God please bless me and send me enough money to live for the rest of my life and parents
Jul 26   Dear Blood Weeping Mary of my dreams Please curse him to be destroyed completely and instantly
Jul 26   Take me to back to -Jan- tonight I slumber
Jul 25   Please put Max Jud and the other violators in jail
Jul 25   God I make a dumb request but before I move out please let me find the family pictures that were syolen
Jul 25   Dear Blood Weeping Mary of my dreams Please curse him to be destroyed completely and instantly
Jul 25   Your my father
Jul 25   Dear Blood Weeping Mary of my dreams please curse him to be destroyed completely and instantly
Jul 25   I love you
Jul 25   k i l l yourself you evil god satan their website
Jul 25   oh allah bring peace on this earth there shall be no hatred among people and there shall not be sufferage to the poors alhamdullillah rabb illail amin
Jul 25   God please help me my friend is too skinny and is very selfcouncious about it please help her love herself
Jul 25   God please help I want to forgive her but I just cant
Jul 25   Good morning God I pray upon you for a blessing in reaching my goal and success I need to be wealthy enough to love myself when others dont Such a sad world
Jul 25   Addres - middle sexi need cell phone contact us ponch bright sun dontfwmale drive Cari dont wear around wrist
Jul 25   Doctors yesterday check my knee left side get better Im walk right npw believe god he say tell friend joqnne Sullivan she best
Jul 25   Name Karen crafts please no more rain storm tell specail friend Joanne Sullivan miss her her Mon past way tell god say sun tell my friend home right I nine her
Jul 25   God Im not having my periods since so long please I want my periods I am getting week dbd for it
Jul 25   Dear God please bless everyone my family a long life and take mine instead
Jul 25   Dear God please continue to watch over my family Pray mom stops having fainting spells and hurt herself and pray brothers stay healthy and prosperous
Jul 25   Dear God please have mercy on me I beg for your blessings despite of my sins Please forgive me
Jul 25   I beg You God to help mika now
Jul 25   Thank you for everything Lord and please bless my family Amen
Jul 25   Dear Lord please forgive me for my sins and bless my family today Amen
Jul 25   Please kill me already
Jul 25   Please just fix tge air in my apartment thank you
Jul 25   Jesus please help me amen
Jul 25   Allahumma inni as alukal afwa wal afiyah fiddunya wal akhirah
Jul 25   Dear God Please bless me that all my worries are resolved immediately and perpetually
Jul 25   Dear God Please bless me that the continuous whispers in my mind ears stop perpetually and Please bless me with calm mind strength excellent perspective
Jul 25   Dear God Please bless me with all rounded happiness and all rounded good health and all rounded satisfaction
Jul 25   We love you god
Jul 25   plz God keep me my childrens my mother healthy safe happy thanks

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